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takealot eReader

4.2 ( 8912 ratings )
Eğlence Kitaplar
Geliştirici: MIH Internet Africa (Proprietary) Limited

Introducing the new eReader app, free and optimised for your iPhone and iPad, making it easier to read your eBooks bought on

Download and read English and Afrikaans eBooks on your favourite device. With just a tap you can highlight, bookmark and make notes on your favourite passages and personalise your page margins, font style and brightness. Browse your library in list view or a grid of covers, and organise your eBooks into collections.

- Night mode turns the text white and the page black, which may be easier on your eyes while reading in low light.
- Adjusting brightness with swipe gestures
- Increase or decrease text size
- Change the font styles
- Highlight paragraphs of text and make notes
- Adjust the margins allowing more or less text on a page
- Search for certain words or paragraphs in your eBook
- Different page turn animations available - choose from flip, slide, fade or cut
- View all your books in either a list or a grid of their covers
- Sort, organize collections and rename eBooks